Thursday, October 9, 2008

Benefits/Remedies - Turmeric (Haldar)

Why yellow is the colour of health - By: Aaishwari Chouhan
No Indian dish is ever complete without the use of turmeric (haldi). Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia have found that in addition to adding colour and flavour to your food, haldi can lower your chances of suffering from haemorrhagic strokes. According to the American Stroke Association, some 17% of all strokes are haemorrhagic in nature. People with high blood pressure are usually at risk for such strokes. They found that curcumin, an ingredient in turmeric, which gives it its colour and pungent flavour, significantly decreases the size of a blood clot, making it a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. That's not all. It also helps keep Alzheimer's and cancer at bay, and prevents childhood leukemia.

Haldi home remedies:
For glowing skin - Turmeric reduces pigmentation, and evens out your skin tone and colour. Simply apply a little turmeric mixed with cucumber juice or lemon to the affected area, and leave for 15 minutes before washing. Do this every day, and notice your skin glow.

To strengthen bones - If you drink a quarter glass of turmeric juice and milk every night, your bones will thank you. Take a ½ inch piece of turmeric and boil it with half a glass of milk. Once the milk has turned yellow, remove from fire, let it cool slightly, and sip.

To soften your skin - Turmeric is a wonderful body scrub. It leaves your skin soft, smooth and glowing. Apply a turmeric and gram flour (besan) mix on your body.

To avoid stretch marks - To avoid unsightly stretch marks, apply a mixture of turmeric and malai, or turmeric and curd, to your stomach and waist before going in for a bath. Leave on for 15 minutes before washing.

Watch out if You are pregnant: Turmeric can be a uterine (related to the uterus) stimulant and hence, pregnant women should use it only after consulting their doctors.

You have a heart disease: People with congestive heart disease, and those with painful gallstones, obstructive jaundice, acute bilious colic, or extremely toxic liver disorders, should avoid the use of turmeric.

It could help you reduce weight - Meghna Dixit Ayurveda specialist - Turmeric finds a mention in almost every Ayurvedic treatise ancient, medieval or modern. Sages supporting Ayurveda have extolled it as digestive, astringent and anti-diabetic herb. Turmeric contains volatile oils, Vitamin A, protein, minerals and an overwhelming amount of carbohydrates. Its main active constituent is a substance called curcumin, which has been shown to have a wide range of therapeutic effects. It is a known anti-bacterial, anti-allergic, carminative, diuretic and anti-oxidant herb. It also cures acne, blemishes, burns, autoimmune disorders and liver diseases. As household first aid, turmeric powder is applied on cuts and bruises because it's an excellent antibiotic. It's also an important ingredient in herbal cosmetics, since it improves complexion.

Other uses:
* Prevents breast cancer from spreading to the lungs.
* Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
* Is a natural liver detoxifier.
* May aid in fat metabolism, and help in weight management.
* Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
* Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
* It also helps digestion and is believed to fight parasites in the intestines.

Treats high blood pressure: Turmeric improves blood flow and strengthens blood vessels. The herb reduces the ability of blood to form clots. This action may improve circulation as well as offer protection against heart attacks and strokes.

Fights Diarrhoea: Turmeric fights the bacteria that causes diarrhoea.

It keeps Alzheimer's at bay - Only 1% of those aged 65 and older, suffer from this degenerative brain condition in India. Many scientific reports point towards the lavish use of turmeric in preparations such as curries, especially Khichdi, which is the staple diet for millions in the Indian subcontinent.

Dr KEKI TUREL Professor & Head, Department of Neurosurgery, Bombay Hospital - This study doesn't have many scientific references. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, hence, its uses can't be questioned. Just like it is used for treatment of external bruises, it could be be helpful in haemorrhages too. So, experiments exploring the role of turmeric are worth it.